What is C10 Error and How to Solve It?

C10 “General Server Traffic” error is a type of error that is usually encountered on all servers of Silkroad Online game such as iSRO, TRSRO, Joymax etc. Although this error is usually a problem caused by traffic, some other factors can also cause this problem. In this article, we will explain the solution methods of C10 error.

What is Error C10?

The C10 error is a server traffic error that is often encountered in the Silkroad Online game and servers of different countries connected to it. Since Silkroad is a Windows-based game, this error can be encountered in different Windows versions and sometimes it becomes very annoying. The C10 error code can be caused by many reasons such as operating system, traffic, IP type, interference from other programs and disk.

How to solve Error C10?

This error code is very difficult to solve in a single way, and no information about the solution has been shared through Silkroad’s official channels to date. For this reason, players find their own methods by trial and error. You can solve the C10 Error with one of the items we have listed below, remember that there is no clear solution to this error and unfortunately we will try to find the error of your own computer by trying.

Delete and reinstall the game in the C folder

If Silkroad C is on an external portable or hard disk, you should move your game to the C folder or move it back to the C folder with a clean install.

If you open multiple folders, make sure the file names are different

If you open multiple folders, instead of using the same name for all of them, you can try changing them to different filenames and client names. In this way, you can avoid conflicts and define a healthier Windows. We also recommend that you start the clients one by one, not all at the same time.

If you use an intermediary program or bot, delete and reinstall it

If you use an intermediary program or bot, delete and reinstall it Don’t forget to also clear the information in your bot’s bindipfolder.

Check your internet traffic

In addition to Windows-based errors, the C10 error can be caused by traffic errors. Monitor your computer’s traffic:

  • If your computer has more than one ethernet card connected, remove them and connect only via cable ethernet. Some wifi versions may be incompatible with the game.
  • Save your DNS settings by manually entering Google DNS or Cloudflare DNS instead of automatically. Automatic DNS settings can sometimes cause errors due to problems with your current telecom.
  • If you are using a proxy server to reduce the ping value in the game or to eliminate location-based obstacles, contact your proxy provider and ask them to delete the traffic quota and cache if there is one. You can browse Silkroad Proxy page from our company’s solutions and choose our recommended ISP Proxy service.
  • Download and update the current version of your Ethernet card.


As a result, although it is difficult to clearly resolve the C10 error in online Windows compatible games such as Silkroad Online, people who have tried our above items have usually solved their problems. In general, people who play with the game files have this kind of error, and people who collect the duplicated folders under a single main Silkroad folder usually solve this problem quickly. If you are still experiencing such problems, you can read our article and at the same time, you can enable different users to produce solutions for you by commenting.

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