Proxy for Collect Exchange Data
Analysing stock market and financial data provides investors with information about the current state of the market. Commercial enterprises can use this data to optimise their investments and plan for the future.
You can choose proxies suitable for location so that you can instantly pull market trends, stock market and financial data with your software and automations.
Static ISP Residential Proxies
You can quickly access more than 120,000 unlimited fixed Internet Service Providers ISP Residential proxy location and keep IP addresses fixed for as long as you want.
Residential Proxies
Enjoy over 40 Million real ip addresses from 190+ locations to choose any city worldwide.
Mobile Proxies
You can meet your high IP address needs at the most affordable cost thanks to our 4G/ 5G Mobile Proxy data center, which was created entirely with real phones.
Datacenter Proxies
You can immediately access Datacenter IPv4 proxies that you can use for more than 70,000 high-performance transactions.
User Friendly
Self-Service Panel
Thanks to our Proxynet self-service panel, you can automatically create and manage all proxy types and pay for your proxies whenever you want.
- Instant Delivery
- Automatic payment methods
- API Support
- User friendly easy panel
- Proxynet LTD
Our mission is to provide seamless proxies for your large and small businesses.
Thanks to our easy customer panel, you can save time and quickly order a proxy, as well as easily order many types of proxies such as ipv4 proxy, ipv6 proxy, static proxy, rotating proxy, https proxy, socks proxy, udp proxy by choosing according to your intended use without confusing yourself.
If you are still worried about which proxy type you should get according to your intended use, you can request live support immediately by contacting your special customer representative from your user panel.
Enjoy high speed proxies
We work with Proxynet TIER 1+ telecoms and cooperate with this telecom to continuously improve our infrastructure. We work with the best quality telecoms from all over the world and use the most powerful equipment.
Thanks to our non-shared private lines in telecom and data centers, we can transfer high speeds to proxies and enable you to operate with the lowest ping while using it.
Highest uptime rate thanks to our quality infrastructure
In addition to working with the best telecoms in the world, we constantly monitor our infrastructure in telecoms, and we constantly check it with our physical visits in order to achieve a high vitality rate.
In order to keep our Residential, Datacenter and Mobile proxy infrastructure alive, we are constantly auditing and monitoring by our expert staff. We work 24/7 so that your work is not interrupted.