- Proxynet
- Proxy Services
Proxy Services
Proxynet proxy infrastructure is designed to provide you with the most suitable service. We can provide the most suitable proxy solution for your large or small business, and you can always contact us if you have difficulty choosing a proxy service.
Residential Proxies
More than 40 Million IP addresses in over 190+ locations, from which you can choose any city worldwide.
Static ISP Residential Proxies
Over 120,000 unlimited fixed Internet Service Provider ISP Residential proxies.
Mobile Proxies
You can use rotating or static 4G Mobile Proxy IPs built entirely with real phones.
Datacenter Proxies
70,000+ Datacenter IPv4 proxies you can use for your high-performance operations.
IPv6 Proxy
The world’s largest selection of 13 Nonillion personalized IPv6 proxies with high quality and performance.
What is a Proxy Server?
A proxy is a server that enables communication, the flow of data between two devices. Bir adrese veya servere bağlanmak için proxy kullandığınızda bağlantığınız adres ip adresinizi proxy sunucusunun ip adresi olarak görür ve gerçek ip adresinizi gizlemiş olursunuz. Proxy çevrimiçi güvenliğinizi ve gizliğinizi sağlar. Proxy is used for many legal purposes and the primary purpose of using a proxy is to hide the IP address.
When you use a proxy, all requests you send are sent to the proxy server and your real IP address is hidden. This is the general definition of the proxy server, and you can access the proxy types and features below and choose the Proxynet services that suits you.
We produce quality solutions with our industry-leading proxy services
We produce solutions for your intended use with our Residential, ISP, Datacenter and Mobile proxy services with more than 40 million IP addresses.
Residential Proxies
Residential proxies are IPs that are completely shared by real users as P2P. You can use our Residential proxy service created with real home modems as dynamic or rotating (variable) for your projects with high IP needs, and you can enjoy more than 40 million IP addresses in more than 190 locations.
- Instant Delivery
- More than 190 countries
- Automatic payment methods
- Stable Residential Network
- API Support
Static ISP Residential Proxies
Static ISP Residential proxies are proxies that are hosted in telecoms with ISP licences and appear in IP queries just like the IP addresses we use in our homes. Static means that you can use it as much as you want without changing it. The combination of the performance of the data centre and the residential proxy makes for an excellent ISP proxy type service.
- More than 120,000 ISP IPs
- Performance ISP Infrastructure
- TIER A+ Telecoms
- 99.9% Uptime
Mobile Proxies
Mobile proxy is a high performance proxy service provided by real phones and SIM cards with 3G/4G/5G/LTE support. Since mobile data is provided by a telecom with an ISP licence, we can actually call the Mobile Proxy type Mobile Residential proxy, but we did not want to complicate the name of our proxy services. If you want to perform your transactions as if you are using mobile IP, mobile proxy service will be an excellent choice for you.
- More than 5 countries
- More than 15 TIER A+ Telecoms
- 100% real mobile phone farm
- 99.9% Uptime
Datacenter Proxies
Datacenter proxies are high performance proxy services that are hosted in data centres and appear as Business or Hosting in IP whois queries. You can use Datacenter proxies that you can get as Dedicated and Shared in processes that require high speed such as Brand Protection, Uptime control, Market research.
- More than 5 countries
- More than 70,000 IP
- More than 40 TIER A+ Efficiency Centres
- Private & Shared option
- 99.9% Uptime